
Engineering Project

Funding Request Resources
 0. Understanding Objectives

Funding avenues available to students are CUESEF and the Department of Electronics (DoE). Funding requests to CUESEF should be made first. If CUESEF funding is unsuccessful consult with your project supervisor and prepare a new funding request to the Department of Electronics. For the DOE funding, include your CUESEF proposal, CUESEF decision document in addition to the DOE funding request. The deadlines for both funding applications are listed in the calendar section.

A. CUESEF Funding
Please read the funding instructions, then file your request by submitting a proposal.  Please give partial funding options! We recommend ⅓ funding, ⅔ funding and full funding options to give the board a sense of priority.

B. DoE Funding
If your CUESEF funding request is not approved or it is partially approved, you may apply for funding through DoE. There are a few basic steps required prior to a formal funding request.
  1. In consultation with your project team members, determine which items are required for the project.
  2. Prepare a detailed list of required items and why each item is required.
  3. Submit the list to your project supervisor. He/She will edit the list, indicate alternatives and identify items internally available.
  4. Consult Mr. Nagui Mikhail, as some of items you need may already be available in the department.
  5. Prepare a detailed listing of items required from external sources. Each item on the list should include supplier, part number, price, shipping or other cost, justification, and project impact statement.
  6. Present the detailed listing to your project supervisor for approval.
  7. Submit the list to DoE by filling this form.
  8. DoE will examine lists obtained and may further edit item lists.

 1. Project Selection  Prerequisites
 2. Application  Projects and Assignments
 3. Proposal  Health and Safety
 4. Funding Request  Calendar
 5. Regular Meetings
 Relevant Skills
 6. Progress Report
 Previous Years' Samples
 7. Competition
 Students Login
 8. Oral presentation
 9. Poster Presentation  Professors Login
 10. Final Report  Contact
