Smith chart for download


Here is the formula sheet from the 2015 exam.


I have now finished marking the 2016 exam. Results are very good. The average on the exam is 76% and, factoring in the quiz marks, the average grade is 78%, without any addition of any bonus marks. No one failed. Roughly half the class has "A" grades. The exam and solution are now in the exam library. The grade breakdown follows.

A+ 11

A 10

A- 9

B+ 5

B 3

B- 1

C+ 3

C 6

C- 3

D+ 2

D 2

D- 1

What if you didn't take ELEC3105?

Many Communication Engineering students who have not had an opportunity to take ELEC3105 take ELEC3909. It's quite possible to complete ELEC 3909 and obtain a good grade if you are in this situation, but you will have to accept Maxwell's equations as a starting point. If you would like some background reading on the physical basis of Maxwell's equations, two useful books are:

Notes on LCR Circuits

Here are some basic notes on LCR circuits and phasors for Aero D students. ELEC2501 in two pages!

BBC Documentary on Electromagnetics

A couple of years back BBC produced a great documentary titled Shock and Awe on the history of our knowledge of EM. The documentary was written and presented by Cambridge University Prof. Jim Al-Khalili. Clips are still available online but unfortunately BBC does not presently offer the full video.

Applets illustrating EM wave propagation

Unfortunately most of these no longer run due to Javascript security requirements.