ELEC3500 - Xilinx Project Navigator Tutorial.

This tutorial is valid for Xilinx Project Navigator (ISE 8.2.02i), ModelSim XE/Starter III 6.1e, Spartan III  board.

·         Starting Xilinx Project Navigator

·         Creating a new project

·         Using ISE 8.202i

·         iMPACT Device Configuration

·         Simulating the design

·         Simulating the remaining cases

·         Downloading to the Spartan III FPGA

·         Erasing the FPGA

·         Additional information for the TAs

·         Files required for projects

·         ISE design Flow



Starting Xilinx Project Navigator

Creating a new project

The following window will open.
Select a project location on your W: drive (ie: W:\Elec3500\). Any directories will be built automatically.
Enter a project name (ie: type your name).
Select HDL for the "Top-Level Source Type:"

Click "Next"


Click "Next"



Click "Next"





Using ISE 8.202i



iMPACT Device Configuration


Do not “OK” yet.


About the Readback Options.

By default, ISE does not create the necessary supporting files to enable the Verify option during device programming.

It is not necessary to Verify during programming and doing so will slow down the configuration process.

If you want to use the Verify options, it is necessary to generate the appropriate files as indicated above.


Simulating the design




Simulating the remaining cases

Downloading to the Spartan III FPGA. (Field Programmable Gate  Array)

OR You can start the download by running the iMPACT:

Start => All Programs => Xilinx ISE 6 => Accessories => iMPACT

Click Next >

Click Finish

Click OK



This screen will show up if you did not setup the iMPACT device as indicated above iMPACT Device Configuration

Do not panic the iMPACT will take care of this error and use the JtagClk .








Erasing the FPGA


Additional information for the TAs

This section contains some additional information that shouldn't be necessary to do the lab, but may be helpful in preparing future labs or debugging students' circuits.

Files required for projects

Verilog File updncounter.v


// updncounter.v - Written by Gord Allan Jan 30/2003 for 350 lab 3.


module updncounter(clk, rst, pbl, pbr, leds_out, status);  

      // We need to call the main pins in and out of our design the same as they are on the FPGA board

      input clk;                    // from the clock pin on the function generator

      input rst;                    // from the center push-button on the FPGA board

      input pbl;                    // used for our count down control

      input pbr;                    // used for our count up control

      output [6:0] leds_out;              // the lights on the FPGA board

      output [3:0] status;                // additional active low LEDS available for troubleshooting

      // Finally, as in any language, there are some declarations required.


      wire cntdwn_from_pushbutton;       

      wire cntup_from_pushbutton;        

      reg [6:0] counter;

      reg [6:0] next_count;

      reg cntdwn;

      reg cntup;


      // But, in our design they use different names, and so we must perform the mappings.


      assign status = 4'b1111;                  // if the extra LEDS are not used turn them off

      assign cntdwn_from_pushbutton = pbl;            // map them to the external names

      assign cntup_from_pushbutton  = pbr;            // map them to the external names

      assign leds_out = counter;                // note that this will map all 7 bits


      always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)

            if(rst) counter <= 127;       // default notation is in decimal

            else counter <= next_count;


      // We use a seperate section to compute what value the counter should take on, based on the inputs.


      always @(counter or cntdwn or cntup) begin

            next_count = counter;

            if(cntdwn&~cntup)  next_count = counter - 1;

            if(~cntdwn&cntup)  next_count = counter + 1;





      But, there is a slight complication.

      We can't just use the cntdown signal directly from the push-buttons. 

      The resoning will be covered more in the lectures. 

      We need to feed it through a flip-flop first.



      always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)

            if(rst) cntdwn <= 0;

            else cntdwn <= cntdwn_from_pushbutton;


      always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)

            if(rst) cntup <= 0;

            else cntup <= cntup_from_pushbutton;





Constrain File updncounter.ucf




#Mon Nov 29 13:29:45 2004


#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE

#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments

NET "clk" LOC = "D9";

NET "leds_out<0>" LOC = "K12";

NET "leds_out<1>" LOC = "P14";

NET "leds_out<2>" LOC = "L12";

NET "leds_out<3>" LOC = "N14";

NET "leds_out<4>" LOC = "P13";

NET "leds_out<5>" LOC = "N12";

NET "leds_out<6>" LOC = "P12";

NET "pbl" LOC = "L13";

NET "pbr" LOC = "M13";

NET "rst" LOC = "L14";

NET "status<0>" LOC = "R16";

NET "status<1>" LOC = "P15";

NET "status<2>" LOC = "N15";

NET "status<3>" LOC = "N16";

#PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints

#PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints

#PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE


Test Bench File updncounter_tb.v


  module updncounter_tb;     


      reg pbl;                // inputs to your circuit are declared as registers


      reg rst;


      reg pbr;

      reg clk;

      wire [6:0] leds_out;          // outputs from your circuit are declared as wires


      always #20  clk <= ~clk;      // toggles the clock every 20 time units


      initial begin                       // All initial statements start from the same time, t=0.


            clk=0; rst=0; pbl=0; pbr=0;   // initialize all inputs to something


            @(posedge clk);               // wait for the first clock edge

            #5; rst=1;              // turn on the reset

            @(posedge clk);               // wait for another clock edge

            #5; rst=0;              // turn off the reset


            // it should be holding in reset         

            repeat(10) @(posedge clk);


            pbr =1;

            // Now, the counter should be merrily counting up

            // we will wait until is reaches 69 and then switch directions



            $display("%t - TESTBENCH: The counter has reached 69", $time);

            @(posedge clk);

            #5; pbl = 1; pbr= 0;

            $display("%t - TESTBENCH: Switching Directions", $time);


            $display("%t - TESTBENCH: The counter has reached 0 - Finishing.", $time);




      // every time the clock falls, print out the value of the leds

      always @(posedge clk) $display("%t - CLKSAMPLE: Leds sampled to be %d", $time, leds_out);

      // set up statements to inform you when inputs change

      always @(rst)           $display("%t - DATAMONITOR: rst signal changed to %b", $time, rst);


      // and finally instantiate the device under test (DUT)

      updncounter updncounter_instance(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .pbl(pbl), .pbr(pbr), .leds_out(leds_out));


ISE design Flow


Xilinx Spartan 3 Family

