Introduction to Multi-Tasking In Interactive C


In interactive C, it is quite simple to run talks simultaneously.


In fact, the processor is doing something called time splicing where it allocates a splice of time to one process and then another. This makes it seem like the processes are running simultaneously. In other words, the microprocessor may be working on process #1 for 5 milliseconds and then process #2 for 5 milliseconds, then back to process #1 again.



Commands to know for multi-tasking in IC:


int start_process(function());


Returns an integer. This integer is the process’ PID. Since multiple processes will be running, each process must be associated to a PID in order to distinguish them.


void kill_process(int pib);


Kills the process associated to the PID in the function call.


Short example from :


This short example starts a process to check a sensor, sleeps for 1 second (while still checking the sensor) then kills the process using the PID obtained.


void check_sensor(int n){


         while (1){

                 printf("Sensor %d is %d\n", n, digital(n));



void main(){

         int pid;


         pid= start_process(check_sensor(2));






To see a longer example of multi-tasking in Interactive C, see Sample Programs.


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Last Updated July 13th, 2006

By Eric Savoie