Setting up NC-Verilog

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NC-Verilog is the new version of Cadence's Verilog-XL. It is much faster since it compiles the code before executing it.

In theory - to simulate requires three seperate steps - compling, linking, execution - each of which normally uses a seperate command. HOWEVER, we are going to use NC-Verilog in Verilog-XL compatibility mode. Instead of using:

verilog +options files.v

we use

ncverilog +options files.v

In the ideal world this would be it. But, unlike verilog-XL, NC-Verilog needs a place to store temporary files and so we must create this directory and tell ncverilog where it is.

Create a work directory: mkdir worlib

Now we need to create a file (in the current directory) which tells NC-Verilog which work directory to use. Create a text file called "cds.lib" with the following entry:

define worklib ./worklib

Finally, we need to create an empty file called "hdl.var" otherwise NC-Verilog will get mad at us.

The unix command to create an empty file: touch hdl.var

You are almost ready. You have to set up some path information via a script file. Either use this command every time you login, or add it to your .bashrc file in your root directory to execute automatically for you each time.

source /CMC/scripts/setenv.cds.02.bash

So now you are set. You can run ncverilog and pump millions of bits through in a minute or so.

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