Electrical Engineering ELEC 3605

2018 Course Outline (Not finalized)

This course will be completely dependent on cuLearn - and this web page will not be used for this course, other than to provide this introduction and to point all to cuLearn.

Course Outline from 2017 (pdf) - the course outline for 2018 will be similar, but likely not exactly the same. Possible difference would be in the number of assignments and midterm tests as well as possibly slightly different weighting for different parts of the course. Similarly, the course pack for 2018 will be very similar to the 2017 course pack, except for some edits to remove some typos (we expect to provide a list of updates). As in 2017, it is important to have the course pack as it may be taken with you to midterm tests and the final exam. The course pack is single-sided leaving a lot of blank space for copying down examples and explanations done in class, as well as additional notes or worked problems you have done.

Lectures: RH 2200
Times Mon, Wed 13:05-14:25,
PAs,10 of them 1 1/2 hours each, details on Carleton Central and cuLearn

TAs, and Office Hours: details will be found on cuLearn